Preparing for a Job Interview 101
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Once you are done and dusted with college, what do you think is next? Getting a job of course! Getting a permanent job is no easy feat especially when you are a fresh graduate. However, if you already score a permanent place after your SIT (Supervised Industrial Training), that’s a plus point! Here are some tips for your “job searching” journey.
Whipping out a resume
The first thing that gets you noticed by a company is your resume/CV (Curriculum Vitae). Do keep in mind that you are not the only one sending in your resume. So, make your resume stand out!
· Use fonts and colours that are easy to read
· Format your resume in an organized manner
· State your relevant accomplishments and education background
· Keep it to one or two pages maximum
· Don’t cramp all information in one page; if you have to, do it in point forms and keep it short and simple
· Ensuring all details are correct and up-to-date
· Try not to throw jargons and bombastic words in; be sure it is easy to read
Striking an Interview appointment
After sending out your CV to the companies, all you need to do is wait for a response. Check your email regularly and wait for a phone call. Some companies will call you to ask you some questions and to make an interview appointment. Some, will just email you.
Remember, politeness is KEY. Be it on the phone or typing an email, always remember to be polite and professional. Don’t forget your manners; you don’t want to leave a bad impression even before your interview! Let’s take this famous phrase from the movie “Kingsmen”, “Manners maketh Man”.
Preparing for an interview
Let’s break it down to bullet points for you!
Well yes, that has got to be in caps because it is important to be on time. A company will always value your time management. Who likes lateness?
· Dress appropriately
Rule of thumb; never wear slippers. Dress in office attire and not casual wear. Be neat!
· Calm yourself down
It may be nerve-wrecking if it is your first time being interviewed. Don’t panic and keep calm! When you get the jitters, it is hard for you to even speak. Think positively and remember, you can do this!
· Prepare your answers
Although you may never know what questions they will throw at you during interviews, you can always prepare for the common ones. Some common ones would be; Introducing yourself aka selling yourself, strengths and weaknesses, long-term goals, about the company (so do some research before going to an interview), how will you be an asset in the company, willingness to work and the list goes on.
· Prepare your documents
Yes, you may have sent all your relevant documents to the HR. However, please bring all your original copies during the interview; CV, passport photo, transcripts and certificates, relevant works and achievements.
Be arrogant, keep requesting for a high salary (Please remember that you are a fresh graduate; your main purpose is to get experience), be too honest (Obviously no one likes to work over-time, getting up early or doing the extra bits, but don’t mention it!) To add on to this point of “not being too honest”, we don’t mean by lying on your grades, achievements, experiences, background; you know the drill.
· Shake hands
This is just a simple gesture when you walk in for an interview and when you walk out.
· Be prepared
The last but not least, is to be physically and mentally prepared.